Il blog di Red Fox Adventure

Il blog di Red Fox Adventure
67th Berlinale from 9th -19 feb 2017
Taken from : “QUELLI CHE L’AVVENTURA” – , Speciale TG1 – 7 august 2016 – RAI – Italy’s National public broadcasting company. Author Paolo Giani Editing : Germano Satiri BACKSTAGE :
It’s not every day that one can attend a wedding of the Sami people, traditionally known as “Lapps” or Laplanders in English. The Sami are the indigenous Finno-Ugric people who, since prehistoric times, have been inhabiting the Arctic area of Sápmi, which today encompasses parts of far northern Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Kola Peninsula of […]
The gratest of the nature walking in a fronzen lake
Lars Jon Allas, whose family has herded for generations, says mine dust kills the lichen reindeer eat in winter
Period : June – July A week living in a place where it feels like time has stopped. Obviously every year Nature renews itself, the ice and snow melt and there is an ice-free area ready for new hatchlings. An apocalyptic landscape marked every year by the migration of the birds and the descent into […]
Itinerario di 7 giorni/6 notti – – escursioni in canoa – alla scoperta dell’ ultimo animale dell’ era glaciale . da 4 – 8 persone.
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